Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DC Zoo

Note: click on small image for full screen

First of all, sorry for being so long between posts. I took these pictures a few weeks ago when Ben and I went to the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, DC. I got a lot of pictures and had a lot of fun looking at all the animals.

These first shots are of a group of Golden Tamarins, which have a lot of personality and energy. I took a ton of pictures, but they move so fast that many of them are not in focus.

This guy was really funny to watch:

The Tamarin group had some new babies, and like most primates, they are very socially-oriented and some were cuddling up with the babies.

I don't remember the name of this bird, but I thought it was beautiful. It was probably about two feet long, including the beak.

Same story with this one, except it was really tiny, about six inches altogether.


Provost's Squirrel. Yes, it is really a squirrel.

I forget if this is an alligator or a crocodile, but I was able to get close enough, and zoom in enough with my new lens to make it almost look like it's in the wild.

They have a year-round frog pond, and the frogs were really enjoying themselves that day. It was just starting to sprinkle, and they were all just chilling out, half in/half out of the water.

If you know me, you know how much I hate spiders. We passed by an OPEN spider exhibit, and I just had to take a couple pictures. Okay, seriously, this freaked me out, because the spider was huge, maybe three or so inches across, and it was free to escape! I still got a really awesome picture.

Komodo Dragon

Really sad looking primate. I can't remember which type of primate, sorry.

He had ridiculously loooooong arms:

The Orangutan exhibit was awesome. I love Orans, they're really beautiful, majestic animals.

The orans have a bunch of really tall structures with heavy canvas lines to climb on. This guy climbed up...

and then SLID down the canvas!

Safe landing.

Doesn't this look like a guinea pig? It is actually a relative of the guinea pig, but instead of being about 1 pound, it probably weighed about 40 or 50 pounds. It really was a giant guinea pig. AWESOME

Same species, different cage.

The Pygmy Hippo was really hard to get good pictures of. He kept swimming around in circles, it was really cute, and kind of sad too.



Unknown said...

these picture were so much fun. love the comments too.

Unknown said...

the organgs are great because it's almost like watching a movie - very dynamic.

waxandlily said...

thanks mom! They were really fun to watch in person too.
